Medley Division 1

Page layout updated: 10:45 Saturday 21st October 2023


NB: This section relies on other websites being available and some elements may take longer than others to appear. Information is drawn down from the following hosts:

  • League Republic – Plymouth Badminton League Tables
  • Google Drive – Electronic Score Sheets – these update live during the Fixtures

Updates will only occur when a fixture is being played but the league tables and completed score sheets will remain available.


Data loading from LeagueRepublic…

Recent Results and Upcoming Fixtures:

DDXA v UYXA<br>19/10/2023
KAXA v UYXA<br>22/10/2023
UYXA v CNXA<br>27/10/2023
CNXA v DDXA<br>24/11/2023
DDXA v KAXA<br>07/12/2023
KAXA v DDXA<br>05/01/2024
DDXA v CNXA<br>25/01/2024
CNXA v KAXA<br>02/02/2024
KAXA v CNXA<br>23/02/2024
CNXA v UYXA<br>16/02/2024
KAXA v CNXA<br>23/02/2024
UYXA v KAXA<br>08/03/2024